Tag: melons
- 31 May 2018
Melon and smoked salmon boat
Cut the melon in half. Peel one half of the melon and cut the flesh into small cubes. Take a toothpick and thread a melon cube and a rolled slice of smoked salmon. Take the remaining half of the melon and use it to support the melon and smoked salmon skewers. Serve cold.
- 31 May 2018
Melon skewers
Aprite il melone, pulitelo ed eliminate la buccia, tagliatelo a piccole cubetti. Lavare i pomodorini e lasciarli ad asciugare. Prendere uno stuzzicadente e infilare alternando un pomodorino, una mozzarellina e un cubetto di melone. Finita la preparazione degli spiedini spolverare con sale e pepe e aggiungere un filo d’olio. Servire freschi.
- 28 May 2018
Melon rolls
Cut the melon in half, peel it, remove the seeds and cut into thin slices. Wrap each of the melon pieces in a slice of speck. Arrange the rocket on a serving dish and top with the melon rolls. Serve cold.
- 19 March 2018
Frischen melonensalat
Cut the melon in half and scoop out the inside to obtain two empty bowls. Put the flesh aside to use later with the rice. In the meantime, cook the rice in salted boiling water. Once cooked, drain and set aside to cool. Cut the sausages into small cubes. When the rice has cooled season […]