Bruschette with cherry tomatoes


    jolife ricette jolife ricette jolife ricette jolife ricette jolife ricette


    • 10 Jolife cherry tomatoes
    • 1 baguette
    • Salt
    • Ground pepper to taste
    • Olive oil
    • Basil
    • 1 clove garlic


    Rinse the tomatoes and cut into small cubes, transfer to an ovenproof dish and season with oil, salt, pepper and a few chopped basil leaves. Stir well and set aside for a few minutes. Meanwhile heat a griddle and grill the baguette cut into slices. Rub a garlic clove cut in half on the toasted bread while still hot, to add flavor. Top the bruschette/sliced baguette with the tomatoes, a drizzle of oil and a basil leaf and serve.